Майкл Стюарт Браун (ағылш. Michael Stuart Brown; 13 сәуір, 1941, Бруклин, Нью-Йорк, АҚШ) — танымал америкалық дәрігер және биохимик. зерттегені Джозеф Голдштейнмен бірге ашқаны үшін 1985 жылғы Физиология немесе медицина саласындағы Нобель сыйлығы.
Майкл Стюарт Браун | |
ағылш. Michael Stuart Brown | |
Майкл Браун (2003). | |
Туған күні | |
Туған жері | |
Азаматтығы | |
Ғылыми аясы | |
Жұмыс орны |
Альма-матер | |
Несімен белгілі | исследователь регуляции метаболизма холестерина |
Марапаттары |
Майкл Браун Пенсильвания университетін 1962 жылы бітіріген соң 1966 жылы, университеттің медициналық мектебін бітірді. Содан бері, Холестерин метаболизмі саласында Оңтүстік-Батыс медициналық орталығы жұмыс істейді (). Жетекші биологиялық және медициналық журналдарда көптеген мақалалардың авторы. 1985 жылы ол өзінің ашқаны үшін Нобель сыйлығын алды.
Негізгі ғылыми жарияланымдары:
[1] Expression of the familial hypercholesterolemia gene in heterozygotes: mechanism for a dominant disorder in man. Science. 1974 Jul 5;185(4145):61-3.
[2] Regulation of the activity of the low density lipoprotein receptor in human fibroblasts. Cell. 1975 Nov;6(3):307-16.
[3] Release of low density lipoprotein from its cell surface receptor by sulfated glycosaminoglycans. Cell. 1976 Jan;7(1):85-95.
[4] Receptor-mediated control of cholesterol metabolism. Science. 1976 Jan 16;191(4223):150-4.
[5] Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: failure of normal allele to compensate for mutant allele at a regulated genetic locus. Cell. 1976 Oct;9(2):195-203.
[6] Analysis of a mutant strain of human fibroblasts with a defect in the internalization of receptor-bound low density lipoprotein. Cell. 1976 Dec;9(4 PT 2):663-74.
[7] Role of the coated endocytic vesicle in the uptake of receptor-bound low density lipoprotein in human fibroblasts. Cell. 1977 Mar;10(3):351-64.
[8] Genetics of the LDL receptor: evidence that the mutations affecting binding and internalization are allelic. Cell. 1977 Nov;12(3):629-41.
[9] A mutation that impairs the ability of lipoprotein receptors to localise in coated pits on the cell surface of human fibroblasts. Nature. 1977 Dec 22-29;270(5639):695-9.
[10] Immunocytochemical visualization of coated pits and vesicles in human fibroblasts: relation to low density lipoprotein receptor distribution. Cell. 1978 Nov;15(3):919-33.
[11] Coated pits, coated vesicles, and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Nature. 1979 Jun 21;279(5715):679-85
[12] LDL receptors in coated vesicles isolated from bovine adrenal cortex: binding sites unmasked by detergent treatment. Cell. 1980 Jul;20(3):829-37.
[13] Regulation of plasma cholesterol by lipoprotein receptors. Science. 1981 мамыр 8;212(4495):628-35.
[14] Monensin interrupts the recycling of low density lipoprotein receptors in human fibroblasts. Cell. 1981 мамыр;24(2):493-502.
[15] Posttranslational processing of the LDL receptor and its genetic disruption in familial hypercholesterolemia. Cell. 1982 Oct;30(3):715-24
[16] Independent pathways for secretion of cholesterol and apolipoprotein E by macrophages. Science. 1983 Feb 18;219(4586):871-3.
[17] Recycling receptors: the round-trip itinerary of migrant membrane proteins. Cell. 1983 Mar;32(3):663-7
[18] The LDL receptor locus in familial hypercholesterolemia: multiple mutations disrupt transport and processing of a membrane receptor. Cell. 1983 Mar;32(3):941-51.
[19] Depletion of intracellular potassium arrests coated pit formation and receptor-mediated endocytosis in fibroblasts. Cell. 1983 мамыр;33(1):273-85
[20] Increase in membrane cholesterol: a possible trigger for degradation of HMG CoA reductase and crystalloid endoplasmic reticulum in UT-1 cells. Cell. 1984 Apr;36(4):835-45.
[21] Nucleotide sequence of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase, a glycoprotein of endoplasmic reticulum. Nature. 1984 Apr 12-18;308(5960):613-7.
[22] Domain map of the LDL receptor: sequence homology with the epidermal growth factor precursor. Cell. 1984 Jun;37(2):577-85.
[23] HMG CoA reductase: a negatively regulated gene with unusual promoter and 5' untranslated regions. Cell. 1984 Aug;38(1):275-85.
[24] The human LDL receptor: a cysteine-rich protein with multiple Alu sequences in its mRNA. Cell. 1984 Nov;39(1):27-38
[25] Mutation in LDL receptor: Alu-Alu recombination deletes exons encoding transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Science. 1985 Jan 11;227(4683):140-6.
[26] The LDL receptor gene: a mosaic of exons shared with different proteins. Science. 1985 мамыр 17;228(4701):815-22.
[27] Cassette of eight exons shared by genes for LDL receptor and EGF precursor. Science. 1985 мамыр 17;228(4701):893-895
[28] Membrane-bound domain of HMG CoA reductase is required for sterol-enhanced degradation of the enzyme. Cell. 1985 мамыр;41(1):249-58.
[29] Internalization-defective LDL receptors produced by genes with nonsense and frameshift mutations that truncate the cytoplasmic domain. Cell. 1985 Jul;41(3):735-43.
[30] 5' end of HMG CoA reductase gene contains sequences responsible for cholesterol-mediated inhibition of transcription. Cell. 1985 Aug;42(1):203-12.
[31] Scavenger cell receptor shared. Nature. 1985 Aug 22-28;316(6030):680-1.
[32] A receptor-mediated pathway for cholesterol homeostasis. Science. 1986 Apr 4;232(4746):34-47.
[33] The J.D. mutation in familial hypercholesterolemia: amino acid substitution in cytoplasmic domain impedes internalization of LDL receptors Cell. 1986 Apr 11;45(1):15-24.
[34] Deletion in cysteine-rich region of LDL receptor impedes transport to cell surface in WHHL rabbit. Science. 1986 Jun 6;232(4755):1230-7.
[35] Duplication of seven exons in LDL receptor gene caused by Alu-Alu recombination in a subject with familial hypercholesterolemia. Cell. 1987 Mar 13;48(5):827-35.
[36] 42 bp element from LDL receptor gene confers end-product repression by sterols when inserted into viral TK promoter. Cell. 1987 Mar 27;48(6):1061-9.
[37] Acid-dependent ligand dissociation and recycling of LDL receptor mediated by growth factor homology region. Nature. 1987 Apr 23-29;326(6115):760-765
[38] Overexpression of low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor eliminates LDL from plasma in transgenic mice. Science. 1988 Mar 11;239(4845):1277-81.
[39] Inhibition of purified p21ras farnesyl:protein transferase by Cys-AAX tetrapeptides. Cell. 1990 Jul 13;62(1):81-8.
[40] Diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in mice: prevention by overexpression of LDL receptors. Science. 1990 Nov 30;250(4985):1273-5
[41] Protein farnesyltransferase and geranylgeranyltransferase share a common alpha subunit. Cell. 1991 мамыр 3;65(3):429-34.
[42] cDNA cloning and expression of the peptide-binding beta subunit of rat p21ras farnesyltransferase, the counterpart of yeast DPR1/RAM1. Cell. 1991 Jul 26;66(2):327-34.
[43] Purification of component A of Rab geranylgeranyl transferase: possible identity with the choroideremia gene product. Cell. 1992 Sep 18;70(6):1049-57.
[44] Koch’s postulates for cholesterol. Cell. 1992 Oct 16;71(2):187-8.
[45] cDNA cloning of component A of Rab geranylgeranyl transferase and demonstration of its role as a Rab escort protein. Cell. 1993 Jun 18;73(6):1091-9
[46] SREBP-1, a basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper protein that controls transcription of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene. Cell. 1993 Oct 8;75(1):187-97.
[47] Molecular characterization of a membrane transporter for lactate, pyruvate, and other monocarboxylates: implications for the Cori cycle. Cell. 1994 Mar 11;76(5):865-73.
[48] SREBP-1, a membrane-bound transcription factor released by sterol-regulated proteolysis. Cell. 1994 Apr 8;77(1):53-62
[49] Sterol-regulated release of SREBP-2 from cell membranes requires two sequential cleavages, one within a transmembrane segment. Cell. 1996 Jun 28;85(7):1037-46
[50] Sterol resistance in CHO cells traced to point mutation in SREBP cleavage-activating protein. Cell. 1996 Nov 1;87(3):415-26.
[51] The SREBP pathway: regulation of cholesterol metabolism by proteolysis of a membrane-bound transcription factor. Cell. 1997 мамыр 2;89(3):331-40.
[52] Transport-dependent proteolysis of SREBP: relocation of site-1 protease from Golgi to ER obviates the need for SREBP transport to Golgi. Cell. 1999 Dec 23;99(7):703-12.
[53] Regulated intramembrane proteolysis: a control mechanism conserved from bacteria to humans. Cell. 2000 Feb 18;100(4):391-8.
[54] Regulated step in cholesterol feedback localized to budding of SCAP from ER membranes. Cell. 2000 Aug 4;102(3):315-23.
[55] Crucial step in cholesterol homeostasis: sterols promote binding of SCAP to INSIG-1, a membrane protein that facilitates retention of SREBPs in ER. Cell. 2002 Aug 23;110(4):489-500.
Қайнар көзі
- Техас университетінде Оңтүстік-Батыс медициналық орталығы. Мұрағатталған 24 желтоқсанның 2007 жылы. (ағыл.)
- Техас университетінде молекулалық генетика, Браун және Гольдштейн департаментінің сайты. Мұрағатталған 26 мамырдың 2009 жылы.
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Majkl Styuart Braun agylsh Michael Stuart Brown 13 sәuir 1941 Bruklin Nyu Jork AҚSh tanymal amerikalyk dәriger zhәne biohimik zerttegeni Dzhozef Goldshtejnmen birge ashkany үshin 1985 zhylgy Fiziologiya nemese medicina salasyndagy Nobel syjlygy Majkl Styuart Braunagylsh Michael Stuart BrownMajkl Braun 2003 Tugan kүni13 sәuir 1941 1941 04 13 83 zhas Tugan zheriBruklin Nyu Jork AҚShAzamattygy AҚShҒylymi ayasygenetika biohimiyaZhumys ornyAlma materPensilvaniya universitetiNesimen belgiliissledovatel regulyacii metabolizma holesterinaMarapattary 1984 Fiziologiya nemese medicina salasyndagy Nobel syjlygy 1985 1988 2003 ӨmirbayanMajkl Braun Pensilvaniya universitetin 1962 zhyly bitirigen son 1966 zhyly universitettin medicinalyk mektebin bitirdi Sodan beri Holesterin metabolizmi salasynda Ontүstik Batys medicinalyk ortalygy zhumys istejdi Zhetekshi biologiyalyk zhәne medicinalyk zhurnaldarda koptegen makalalardyn avtory 1985 zhyly ol ozinin ashkany үshin Nobel syjlygyn aldy BibliografiyaNegizgi gylymi zhariyalanymdary 1 Expression of the familial hypercholesterolemia gene in heterozygotes mechanism for a dominant disorder in man Science 1974 Jul 5 185 4145 61 3 2 Regulation of the activity of the low density lipoprotein receptor in human fibroblasts Cell 1975 Nov 6 3 307 16 3 Release of low density lipoprotein from its cell surface receptor by sulfated glycosaminoglycans Cell 1976 Jan 7 1 85 95 4 Receptor mediated control of cholesterol metabolism Science 1976 Jan 16 191 4223 150 4 5 Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia failure of normal allele to compensate for mutant allele at a regulated genetic locus Cell 1976 Oct 9 2 195 203 6 Analysis of a mutant strain of human fibroblasts with a defect in the internalization of receptor bound low density lipoprotein Cell 1976 Dec 9 4 PT 2 663 74 7 Role of the coated endocytic vesicle in the uptake of receptor bound low density lipoprotein in human fibroblasts Cell 1977 Mar 10 3 351 64 8 Genetics of the LDL receptor evidence that the mutations affecting binding and internalization are allelic Cell 1977 Nov 12 3 629 41 9 A mutation that impairs the ability of lipoprotein receptors to localise in coated pits on the cell surface of human fibroblasts Nature 1977 Dec 22 29 270 5639 695 9 10 Immunocytochemical visualization of coated pits and vesicles in human fibroblasts relation to low density lipoprotein receptor distribution Cell 1978 Nov 15 3 919 33 11 Coated pits coated vesicles and receptor mediated endocytosis Nature 1979 Jun 21 279 5715 679 85 12 LDL receptors in coated vesicles isolated from bovine adrenal cortex binding sites unmasked by detergent treatment Cell 1980 Jul 20 3 829 37 13 Regulation of plasma cholesterol by lipoprotein receptors Science 1981 mamyr 8 212 4495 628 35 14 Monensin interrupts the recycling of low density lipoprotein receptors in human fibroblasts Cell 1981 mamyr 24 2 493 502 15 Posttranslational processing of the LDL receptor and its genetic disruption in familial hypercholesterolemia Cell 1982 Oct 30 3 715 24 16 Independent pathways for secretion of cholesterol and apolipoprotein E by macrophages Science 1983 Feb 18 219 4586 871 3 17 Recycling receptors the round trip itinerary of migrant membrane proteins Cell 1983 Mar 32 3 663 7 18 The LDL receptor locus in familial hypercholesterolemia multiple mutations disrupt transport and processing of a membrane receptor Cell 1983 Mar 32 3 941 51 19 Depletion of intracellular potassium arrests coated pit formation and receptor mediated endocytosis in fibroblasts Cell 1983 mamyr 33 1 273 85 20 Increase in membrane cholesterol a possible trigger for degradation of HMG CoA reductase and crystalloid endoplasmic reticulum in UT 1 cells Cell 1984 Apr 36 4 835 45 21 Nucleotide sequence of 3 hydroxy 3 methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase a glycoprotein of endoplasmic reticulum Nature 1984 Apr 12 18 308 5960 613 7 22 Domain map of the LDL receptor sequence homology with the epidermal growth factor precursor Cell 1984 Jun 37 2 577 85 23 HMG CoA reductase a negatively regulated gene with unusual promoter and 5 untranslated regions Cell 1984 Aug 38 1 275 85 24 The human LDL receptor a cysteine rich protein with multiple Alu sequences in its mRNA Cell 1984 Nov 39 1 27 38 25 Mutation in LDL receptor Alu Alu recombination deletes exons encoding transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains Science 1985 Jan 11 227 4683 140 6 26 The LDL receptor gene a mosaic of exons shared with different proteins Science 1985 mamyr 17 228 4701 815 22 27 Cassette of eight exons shared by genes for LDL receptor and EGF precursor Science 1985 mamyr 17 228 4701 893 895 28 Membrane bound domain of HMG CoA reductase is required for sterol enhanced degradation of the enzyme Cell 1985 mamyr 41 1 249 58 29 Internalization defective LDL receptors produced by genes with nonsense and frameshift mutations that truncate the cytoplasmic domain Cell 1985 Jul 41 3 735 43 30 5 end of HMG CoA reductase gene contains sequences responsible for cholesterol mediated inhibition of transcription Cell 1985 Aug 42 1 203 12 31 Scavenger cell receptor shared Nature 1985 Aug 22 28 316 6030 680 1 32 A receptor mediated pathway for cholesterol homeostasis Science 1986 Apr 4 232 4746 34 47 33 The J D mutation in familial hypercholesterolemia amino acid substitution in cytoplasmic domain impedes internalization of LDL receptors Cell 1986 Apr 11 45 1 15 24 34 Deletion in cysteine rich region of LDL receptor impedes transport to cell surface in WHHL rabbit Science 1986 Jun 6 232 4755 1230 7 35 Duplication of seven exons in LDL receptor gene caused by Alu Alu recombination in a subject with familial hypercholesterolemia Cell 1987 Mar 13 48 5 827 35 36 42 bp element from LDL receptor gene confers end product repression by sterols when inserted into viral TK promoter Cell 1987 Mar 27 48 6 1061 9 37 Acid dependent ligand dissociation and recycling of LDL receptor mediated by growth factor homology region Nature 1987 Apr 23 29 326 6115 760 765 38 Overexpression of low density lipoprotein LDL receptor eliminates LDL from plasma in transgenic mice Science 1988 Mar 11 239 4845 1277 81 39 Inhibition of purified p21ras farnesyl protein transferase by Cys AAX tetrapeptides Cell 1990 Jul 13 62 1 81 8 40 Diet induced hypercholesterolemia in mice prevention by overexpression of LDL receptors Science 1990 Nov 30 250 4985 1273 5 41 Protein farnesyltransferase and geranylgeranyltransferase share a common alpha subunit Cell 1991 mamyr 3 65 3 429 34 42 cDNA cloning and expression of the peptide binding beta subunit of rat p21ras farnesyltransferase the counterpart of yeast DPR1 RAM1 Cell 1991 Jul 26 66 2 327 34 43 Purification of component A of Rab geranylgeranyl transferase possible identity with the choroideremia gene product Cell 1992 Sep 18 70 6 1049 57 44 Koch s postulates for cholesterol Cell 1992 Oct 16 71 2 187 8 45 cDNA cloning of component A of Rab geranylgeranyl transferase and demonstration of its role as a Rab escort protein Cell 1993 Jun 18 73 6 1091 9 46 SREBP 1 a basic helix loop helix leucine zipper protein that controls transcription of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene Cell 1993 Oct 8 75 1 187 97 47 Molecular characterization of a membrane transporter for lactate pyruvate and other monocarboxylates implications for the Cori cycle Cell 1994 Mar 11 76 5 865 73 48 SREBP 1 a membrane bound transcription factor released by sterol regulated proteolysis Cell 1994 Apr 8 77 1 53 62 49 Sterol regulated release of SREBP 2 from cell membranes requires two sequential cleavages one within a transmembrane segment Cell 1996 Jun 28 85 7 1037 46 50 Sterol resistance in CHO cells traced to point mutation in SREBP cleavage activating protein Cell 1996 Nov 1 87 3 415 26 51 The SREBP pathway regulation of cholesterol metabolism by proteolysis of a membrane bound transcription factor Cell 1997 mamyr 2 89 3 331 40 52 Transport dependent proteolysis of SREBP relocation of site 1 protease from Golgi to ER obviates the need for SREBP transport to Golgi Cell 1999 Dec 23 99 7 703 12 53 Regulated intramembrane proteolysis a control mechanism conserved from bacteria to humans Cell 2000 Feb 18 100 4 391 8 54 Regulated step in cholesterol feedback localized to budding of SCAP from ER membranes Cell 2000 Aug 4 102 3 315 23 55 Crucial step in cholesterol homeostasis sterols promote binding of SCAP to INSIG 1 a membrane protein that facilitates retention of SREBPs in ER Cell 2002 Aug 23 110 4 489 500 Қajnar koziSiltemelerTehas universitetinde Ontүstik Batys medicinalyk ortalygy Muragattalgan 24 zheltoksannyn 2007 zhyly agyl Tehas universitetinde molekulalyk genetika Braun zhәne Goldshtejn departamentinin sajty Muragattalgan 26 mamyrdyn 2009 zhyly