Oracle Database — фирмасы жасап шығарған объект-реляциялық дерекқор басқару жүйесі (ORDBMS). Оның бір ерекше қасиеті — бастап шағын дербес компьютерлердің кез келгенінде жұмыс істей береді.
Development status | Active |
Ассемблер, C, C++ | |
көптілді | |
Объект-реляциялық дерекқор басқару жүйесі (ORDBMS) | |
проприетарлы | |
Сайты | Oracle RDBMS |
Корпоративтік/техникалық уақыт кестесі
- 1977: Ларри Элисон және достары Software Development Laboratories (SDL) мекемесінің негізін құрады.
- 1979: жылы компания атауы SDL-ден "Relational Software, Inc." (RSI) деген атауға өзгерді, бұл мекеме жаңа Oracle V2 атты реляциялық дерекқор жүйесін өндірді. The version did not support , but implemented the basic SQL functionality of and . (RSI never released a version 1 - instead calling the first version version 2 as a .)
- 1982: RSI in its turn changed its name, becoming known as "", to align itself more closely with its flagship product.
- 1983: The company released Oracle version 3, which it had re-written using the C programming language and which supported
functionality for transactions. Version 3 extended platform support from the existing systems to include Unix environments.
- 1984: Oracle Corporation released Oracle version 4, which supported .
- 1985: Oracle Corporation released Oracle version 5, which supported the —a sign of networks becoming more widely available in the mid-1980s.
- 1986: Oracle version 5.1 started supporting queries.
- 1988: Oracle RDBMS version 6 came out with support for (PL/SQL) embedded within v3 (version 6 could not store PL/SQL in the database proper), row-level and hot .
- 1989: Oracle Corporation entered the market and developed its product, (later to become part of the ), based on the Oracle relational database.
- 1990: the release of release 8
- 1992: Oracle version 7 appeared with support for , and .
- 1997: Oracle Corporation released version 8, which supported development and applications.
- 1999: The release of Oracle8i aimed to provide a database inter-operating better with the Internet (the i in the name stands for "Internet"). The Oracle8i database incorporated a native Java virtual machine (, also known as "Aurora").
- 2000: Oracle E-Business Suite 11i pioneers integrated enterprise application software
- 2001: Oracle9i went into release with 400 new features, including the ability to read and write XML documents. 9i also provided an option for , or "Real Application Clusters", a database, as a replacement for the (OPS) option.
- 2002: the release of Oracle 9i Database Release 2 (9.2.0)
- 2003: Oracle Corporation released Oracle Database 10g, which supported . (The g stands for "grid"; emphasizing a marketing thrust of presenting 10g as " ready".)
- 2005: Oracle Database—also known as Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10gR2)—appeared.
- 2006: Oracle Corporation announces and acquires i-flex
- 2007: Oracle Database 10g release 2 sets a new TPC-H 3000 GB result
- 2007: Oracle Corporation мекемесі Linux және Microsoft Windows ОС-нде жұмыс істейтін Oracle Database 11g дерекқор базасын өндірді.
- 2008: Oracle Corporation мекемесін сатып алды.
- 2010: Oracle Corporation Sun Microsystems мекемесін сатып алды.
- 2011: Oracle Corporation веб контент менеджмент жүйесі Software мекемесін сатып алды.
- Lextrait, Vincent The Programming Languages Beacon, v10.0 (қаңтар 2010). Тексерілді, 14 наурыз 2010.
- What's New. Тексерілді, 29 қараша 2010.
- Қазақ тілі терминдерінің салалық ғылыми түсіндірме сөздігі: Информатика және компьютерлік техника / Жалпы редакциясын басқарған – түсіндірме сөздіктер топтамасын шығару жөніндегі ғылыми-баспа бағдарламасының ғылыми жетекшісі, педагогика ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, Қазақстан Республикасы Мемлекеттік сыйлығының лауреаты А. Қ. Құсайынов. – Алматы: «Мектеп» баспасы» ЖАҚ, 2002 жыл. – 456 бет. ISBN 5-7667-8284-5
- As Larry Ellison said in an Oracle OpenWorld keynote presentation Мұрағатталған 25 қазанның 2012 жылы. on 11 қараша 2007: "Who'd buy a version 1.0 from four guys in California?"
- Compare
- Harrison Guy Oracle SQL high-performance tuning — 2. — Prentice Hall PTR, 2001. — P. 630. — ISBN 978-0-13-012381-7.
- Gennick Jonathan Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide — 2. — O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2004. — P. 592. — ISBN 9780596007461.
- Oracle Database 10g Sets New Record for TPC-H Three TB Benchmark. Тексерілді, 31 қаңтар 2008.
Бұл мақаланы Уикипедия сапа талаптарына лайықты болуы үшін уикилендіру қажет. |
Бұл — мақаланың бастамасы. Бұл мақаланы толықтырып, дамыту арқылы, Уикипедияға көмектесе аласыз. Бұл ескертуді дәлдеп ауыстыру қажет. |
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Oracle Database firmasy zhasap shygargan obekt relyaciyalyk derekkor baskaru zhүjesi ORDBMS Onyn bir erekshe kasieti bastap shagyn derbes kompyuterlerdin kez kelgeninde zhumys istej beredi Oracle DatabaseDevelopment status ActiveAssembler C C koptildiObekt relyaciyalyk derekkor baskaru zhүjesi ORDBMS proprietarlySajty Oracle RDBMSTarihyKorporativtik tehnikalyk uakyt kestesi 1977 Larri Elison zhәne dostary Software Development Laboratories SDL mekemesinin negizin kurady 1979 zhyly kompaniya atauy SDL den Relational Software Inc RSI degen atauga ozgerdi bul mekeme zhana Oracle V2 atty relyaciyalyk derekkor zhүjesin ondirdi The version did not support but implemented the basic SQL functionality of and RSI never released a version 1 instead calling the first version version 2 as a 1982 RSI in its turn changed its name becoming known as to align itself more closely with its flagship product 1983 The company released Oracle version 3 which it had re written using the C programming language and which supported and functionality for transactions Version 3 extended platform support from the existing systems to include Unix environments 1984 Oracle Corporation released Oracle version 4 which supported 1985 Oracle Corporation released Oracle version 5 which supported the a sign of networks becoming more widely available in the mid 1980s 1986 Oracle version 5 1 started supporting queries 1988 Oracle RDBMS version 6 came out with support for PL SQL embedded within v3 version 6 could not store PL SQL in the database proper row level and hot 1989 Oracle Corporation entered the market and developed its product later to become part of the based on the Oracle relational database 1990 the release of release 8 1992 Oracle version 7 appeared with support for and 1997 Oracle Corporation released version 8 which supported development and applications 1999 The release of Oracle8i aimed to provide a database inter operating better with the Internet the i in the name stands for Internet The Oracle8i database incorporated a native Java virtual machine also known as Aurora 2000 Oracle E Business Suite 11i pioneers integrated enterprise application software 2001 Oracle9i went into release with 400 new features including the ability to read and write XML documents 9i also provided an option for or Real Application Clusters a database as a replacement for the OPS option 2002 the release of Oracle 9i Database Release 2 9 2 0 2003 Oracle Corporation released Oracle Database 10g which supported The g stands for grid emphasizing a marketing thrust of presenting 10g as ready 2005 Oracle Database 10 2 0 1 also known as Oracle Database 10g Release 2 10gR2 appeared 2006 Oracle Corporation announces and acquires i flex 2007 Oracle Database 10g release 2 sets a new TPC H 3000 GB result 2007 Oracle Corporation mekemesi Linux zhәne Microsoft Windows OS nde zhumys istejtin Oracle Database 11g derekkor bazasyn ondirdi 2008 Oracle Corporation mekemesin satyp aldy 2010 Oracle Corporation Sun Microsystems mekemesin satyp aldy 2011 Oracle Corporation veb kontent menedzhment zhүjesi Software mekemesin satyp aldy DerekkozderLextrait Vincent The Programming Languages Beacon v10 0 kantar 2010 Tekserildi 14 nauryz 2010 What s New Tekserildi 29 karasha 2010 Қazak tili terminderinin salalyk gylymi tүsindirme sozdigi Informatika zhәne kompyuterlik tehnika Zhalpy redakciyasyn baskargan tүsindirme sozdikter toptamasyn shygaru zhonindegi gylymi baspa bagdarlamasynyn gylymi zhetekshisi pedagogika gylymdarynyn doktory professor Қazakstan Respublikasy Memlekettik syjlygynyn laureaty A Қ Қusajynov Almaty Mektep baspasy ZhAҚ 2002 zhyl 456 bet ISBN 5 7667 8284 5 As Larry Ellison said in an Oracle OpenWorld keynote presentation Muragattalgan 25 kazannyn 2012 zhyly on 11 karasha 2007 Who d buy a version 1 0 from four guys in California Oracle com Compare Oracle com Harrison Guy Oracle SQL high performance tuning 2 Prentice Hall PTR 2001 P 630 ISBN 978 0 13 012381 7 Gennick Jonathan Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide 2 O Reilly Media Inc 2004 P 592 ISBN 9780596007461 Oracle Database 10g Sets New Record for TPC H Three TB Benchmark Tekserildi 31 kantar 2008 Bul makalany Uikipediya sapa talaptaryna lajykty boluy үshin uikilendiru kazhet Bul makalanyn bastamasy Bul makalany tolyktyryp damytu arkyly Uikipediyaga komektese alasyz Bul eskertudi dәldep auystyru kazhet