Эдсгер Уибе Дейкстра (ағылш. Edsger Wybe Dijkstra; мамыр 11, 1930 – тамыз 6, 2002) Дат компьютер ғалымы. 1972 жылы бағдарламалық тілдерді дамытуға қосқан елеулі үлестері үшін Тюринг марапатын иеленді, 1984 жылдар 2000 аралығында Остиндегі Техас университетінің компьютер ғылымдары факультетінде Шлюберже Центенниал басшысы болды.
Эдсгер Дейкстра | |
Туған күні, жері | 1930 ж. мамырдың 11 Роттердам, Нидерланд |
Қайтыс болған күні, жері | 2002 ж. тамыздың 6 (72 жаста) , Нидерланд |
Зерттеу салалары | Информатика |
Интитуттары | |
Докторлық студенттері | |
Еңбегі үшін әйгілі | |
Негізгі марапаттары | Association for Computing Machinery |

2002 жылы дүние салғаннан кейін ACM атынан өзара стабилизациялаушы бағдарлама есептеуіші еңбегі (ағылш. self-stabilization of program computation) үшін PODC ықпалды зерттеу жұмысы марапатына тағайындалды. Бұл әржылдық марапат бір жылдан соң Дейкстра марапаты атауына ауыстырылды.
Тағы қараңыз
- Дейкстра алгоритмі
- Dining philosophers problem
- Guarded Command Language and Predicate transformer semantics
- Semaphore (programming)
- Smoothsort
- "The Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science"
Дейкстра еңбектері
- Dijkstra, E. W. (наурыз 1968). "Letters to the editor: go to statement considered harmful". 11 (3): 147–148. :10.1145/362929.362947. 0001-0782. (EWD215)
- Dijkstra, E. W. (Aug 1972). "The Humble Programmer". 15 (10): 859–866. :10.1145/355604.361591. 0001-0782. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~EWD/transcriptions/EWD03xx/EWD340.html. (EWD340) PDF, 1972 lecture
- Dijkstra, E. W. (мамыр 1982). "How do we tell truths that might hurt?". 17 (5): 13–15. :10.1145/947923.947924. 0362-1340. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs655/readings/ewd498.html. (EWD498)
- From My Life (EWD1166)
- Dijkstra, E.W. (August 1975), Guarded commands, nondeterminacy and formal derivation of program. , 18(8):453–457. [1]
- Dijkstra, E.W. (1976), A Discipline of Programming, Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation, ISBN 0-13-215871-X — A systematic introduction to a version of the guarded command language with many worked examples
- Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective, Texts and Monographs in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 1982, ISBN 0-387-90652-5
- A Method of Programming, E.W. Dijkstra, W.H.J. Feijen, trsl. by J. Sterringa, Addison Wesley 1988, ISBN 0-201-17536-3
- E. W. Dijkstra and (1990). Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics. Springer-Verlag ISBN 0-387-96957-8 — An abstract, formal treatment of
- , Edsger W. Dijkstra, Structured Programming, Academic Press, London, 1972 ISBN 0-12-200550-3
- this volume includes an expanded version of the Notes on Structured Programming (EWD249), including an extended example of using the structured approach to develop a backtracking algorithm to solve the .
- a pdf version of this book is available in the ACM Classic Books Series
Дейкстра жайлы еулогиялар
- Biography Digidome
- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930–2002): A Portrait of a Genius (PDF) Obituary in with a short biography
- How can we explain Edsger W. Dijkstra to those who didn't know him? by David Gries
- Dijkstra Eulogy by J Strother Moore
- In Memoriam Edsger Wybe Dijkstra Мұрағатталған 6 маусымның 2013 жылы. by Mario Szegedy
- Photos of Edsger Dijkstra
- 1985 Interview with Edsger Dijkstra, which he considered the best of his life
Сыртқы сілттемелер
Ортаққорда бұған қатысты медиа санаты бар: Edsger Wybe Dijkstra |

- Oral history interview with Edsger W. Dijkstra, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Dijkstra recounts his early education and training as a theoretical physicist and as a 'programmer'. Dijkstra describes his work developing software, and his activities at several early information processing conferences. Dijkstra discusses the development of , , . Comments on such figures as , , , , , , . Compares the origins of computing science in Europe and America. Oral history interview 2001. Extract published in Communications of the ACM Vol. 53 No. 8 (Aug. 2010): 41-47.
- E. W. Dijkstra Archive
- Burroughs Corporation Records - Edsger W. Dijkstra Papers, , University of Minnesota. Dijkstra worked as a research fellow with beginning in 1973.
- Noorderlicht: Discipline in Thought Video interview, 2001-04-10
- original here, only in Dutch, bandwidth options
- Edsger Dijkstra's Convocation Speech(қолжетпейтін сілтеме)
уикипедия, wiki, кітап, кітаптар, кітапхана, мақала, оқу, жүктеу, тегін, тегін жүктеу, mp3, видео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, сурет, музыка, ән, фильм, кітап, ойын, ойындар, ұялы, андроид, iOS, apple, ұялы телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ДК, веб, компьютер
Edsger Uibe Dejkstra agylsh Edsger Wybe Dijkstra mamyr 11 1930 tamyz 6 2002 Dat kompyuter galymy 1972 zhyly bagdarlamalyk tilderdi damytuga koskan eleuli үlesteri үshin Tyuring marapatyn ielendi 1984 zhyldar 2000 aralygynda Ostindegi Tehas universitetinin kompyuter gylymdary fakultetinde Shlyuberzhe Centennial basshysy boldy Edsger DejkstraTugan kүni zheri 1930 zh mamyrdyn 11 1930 05 11 94 zhas Rotterdam NiderlandҚajtys bolgan kүni zheri 2002 zh tamyzdyn 6 72 zhasta NiderlandZertteu salalary InformatikaIntituttaryDoktorlyk studentteriEnbegi үshin әjgiliNegizgi marapattary Association for Computing MachineryEdsger Dejkstra 2002 2002 zhyly dүnie salgannan kejin ACM atynan ozara stabilizaciyalaushy bagdarlama esepteuishi enbegi agylsh self stabilization of program computation үshin PODC ykpaldy zertteu zhumysy marapatyna tagajyndaldy Bul әrzhyldyk marapat bir zhyldan son Dejkstra marapaty atauyna auystyryldy Tagy karanyzDejkstra algoritmi Dining philosophers problem Guarded Command Language and Predicate transformer semantics Semaphore programming Smoothsort The Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science SilttemelerDejkstra enbekteri Dijkstra E W nauryz 1968 Letters to the editor go to statement considered harmful 11 3 147 148 10 1145 362929 362947 0001 0782 EWD215 Dijkstra E W Aug 1972 The Humble Programmer 15 10 859 866 10 1145 355604 361591 0001 0782 http www cs utexas edu EWD transcriptions EWD03xx EWD340 html EWD340 PDF 1972 lectureDijkstra E W mamyr 1982 How do we tell truths that might hurt 17 5 13 15 10 1145 947923 947924 0362 1340 http www cs virginia edu evans cs655 readings ewd498 html EWD498 From My Life EWD1166 Dijkstra E W August 1975 Guarded commands nondeterminacy and formal derivation of program 18 8 453 457 1 Dijkstra E W 1976 A Discipline of Programming Prentice Hall Series in Automatic Computation ISBN 0 13 215871 X A systematic introduction to a version of the guarded command language with many worked examples Selected Writings on Computing A Personal Perspective Texts and Monographs in Computer Science Springer Verlag 1982 ISBN 0 387 90652 5 A Method of Programming E W Dijkstra W H J Feijen trsl by J Sterringa Addison Wesley 1988 ISBN 0 201 17536 3 E W Dijkstra and 1990 Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics Springer Verlag ISBN 0 387 96957 8 An abstract formal treatment of Edsger W Dijkstra Structured Programming Academic Press London 1972 ISBN 0 12 200550 3 this volume includes an expanded version of the Notes on Structured Programming EWD249 including an extended example of using the structured approach to develop a backtracking algorithm to solve the a pdf version of this book is available in the ACM Classic Books SeriesDejkstra zhajly eulogiyalar Biography Digidome Edsger Wybe Dijkstra 1930 2002 A Portrait of a Genius PDF Obituary in with a short biography How can we explain Edsger W Dijkstra to those who didn t know him by David Gries Dijkstra Eulogy by J Strother Moore In Memoriam Edsger Wybe Dijkstra Muragattalgan 6 mausymnyn 2013 zhyly by Mario Szegedy Photos of Edsger Dijkstra 1985 Interview with Edsger Dijkstra which he considered the best of his lifeSyrtky silttemelerOrtakkorda bugan katysty media sanaty bar Edsger Wybe Dijkstrabugan katysty dәjeksoz zhiyntygy bar Edsger Dejkstra Oral history interview with Edsger W Dijkstra University of Minnesota Minneapolis Dijkstra recounts his early education and training as a theoretical physicist and as a programmer Dijkstra describes his work developing software and his activities at several early information processing conferences Dijkstra discusses the development of Comments on such figures as Compares the origins of computing science in Europe and America Oral history interview 2001 Extract published in Communications of the ACM Vol 53 No 8 Aug 2010 41 47 E W Dijkstra Archive Burroughs Corporation Records Edsger W Dijkstra Papers University of Minnesota Dijkstra worked as a research fellow with beginning in 1973 Noorderlicht Discipline in Thought Video interview 2001 04 10 original here only in Dutch bandwidth options Edsger Dijkstra s Convocation Speech kolzhetpejtin silteme