Саентология (сонымен қатар сайентология, ағылш. scientology, лат. scio және көне грек λόγος — «білім мәні») — америкалық жазушы-фантаст Рон Хаббард негізін қалаған халықаралық діни қозғалыс.
Саентологияда діни ойлар мен сенім жүйелері жайлы сөз қозғалады.
Саентологияда екі негізгі бағыт бар:
- Шіркеу саентологиясы және
- Бостандық аймағы.
Көбіне Шіркеу саентологиясы танымал. Шіркеу саентологиясының негізі 1953 жылы қаланды.
Бостандық аймағы 1980 жылдары Шіркеу саентологиясынан бөлініп шықты.
Негізгі идеялары мен ұстамдары
- Адам өз негізінде - жақсы.
- Адамдар аман қалу үшін тіршілік етеді.
- Адамдардың аман қалуы өздеріне, жолдастарына және әлемдегі бірлік-ынтымақтастыққа байланысты.
- Адамның рухын құтқаруға болады және тек қана адамның рухы денесін құтқарып, емдей алады.
Саентология ілімін ұстанатын атақты адамдар
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- ,
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- ,
- Том Круз
- Кэти Холмс,
- ,
- Джон Траволта
- ,
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- ,
- ,
- ,
- оның күйеуі Боди Эльфман
- оның қайын атасы Ричард Эльфман
- Pretorius S. P. (University of South Africa) The concept «salvation» in the Church of Scientology // . — 2006 — Vol. 62. — № 1. — P. 313—327
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- Baker, Jeff «Life from 'Cowabunga!' to 'Ay, Caramba'». //The Oregonian, 12 қаңтар 2000
- Sweeney, Claire «Ay caramba! Bart Simpson is spruiking Scientology». // The Sunday Times (London), 29 қаңтар 2000
- Moss, Meredith «Bart Gives Back — 'Simpsons' voice Nancy Cartwright returning to Fairmont with scholarship and one-woman show». // Dayton Daily News, 30 сәуір 2005
- Leggett, Jonathan «Cult musicians: Scientology has long been regarded as 'a Hollywood thing', but as Isaac Hayes cooks up a storm and quits his role as South Park’s Chef, Jonathan Leggett reveals other musical followers». // The Guardian, 25 наурыз 2006 (Guardian Newspapers Limited).
- Li, David K. «The Church of $impsontology». // , 31 қаңтар 2008
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Saentologiya sonymen katar sajentologiya agylsh scientology lat scio zhәne kone grek logos bilim mәni amerikalyk zhazushy fantast Ron Habbard negizin kalagan halykaralyk dini kozgalys Saentologiyada dini ojlar men senim zhүjeleri zhajly soz kozgalady Saentologiyada eki negizgi bagyt bar Shirkeu saentologiyasy zhәne Bostandyk ajmagy Kobine Shirkeu saentologiyasy tanymal Shirkeu saentologiyasynyn negizi 1953 zhyly kalandy Bostandyk ajmagy 1980 zhyldary Shirkeu saentologiyasynan bolinip shykty Negizgi ideyalary men ustamdaryAdam oz negizinde zhaksy Adamdar aman kalu үshin tirshilik etedi Adamdardyn aman kaluy ozderine zholdastaryna zhәne әlemdegi birlik yntymaktastykka bajlanysty Adamnyn ruhyn kutkaruga bolady zhәne tek kana adamnyn ruhy denesin kutkaryp emdej alady Saentologiya ilimin ustanatyn atakty adamdar Tom Kruz Keti Holms Dzhon Travolta onyn kүjeui Bodi Elfman onyn kajyn atasy Richard ElfmanDerekkozderPretorius S P University of South Africa The concept salvation in the Church of Scientology 2006 Vol 62 1 P 313 327 Horgan John Adams is proof that dreams can be rekindled Oakland Tribune 24 May 2006 Inside TomKat s Wedding Star Studded Guest List and Scientology Ceremony Will Make This Wedding Unlike Any Other 14 karasha 2006 Moore Carrie A September 10 2006 Faiths that don t fit educate journalists The Deseret News Deseret News Publishing Company P B10 Ayres Chris Anyone home Cover story The Times 23 kantar 2008 Times Newspapers Limited pp 2 4 Chateau Scientology Inside the Church s Celebrity Centre 14 kantar 2008 The Conde Nast Publications Inc 83 43 40 Goodyear Dana Cult Castle The Australian 22 nauryz 2008 Nationwide News Pty Limited P 24 Reitman Janet Inside Scientology 23 akpan 2006 Thise Mark Hollywood Winners amp Losers A to Z Hal Leonard Corporation 2008 P 5 ISBN 0 87910 351 5 Shaw William The science of celebrity The Sunday Telegraph 17 akpan 2008 bet 26 Andrew Morton Tom Cruise An Unauthorized Biography New York St Martin s Press 2008 P 243 317 ISBN 0 312 35986 1 Mark Ebner Andrew Breitbart Hollywood Interrupted Hollywood Interrupted Hollywood Interrupted John Wiley and Sons 2004 P 128 ISBN 0 471 45051 0 Oppenheimer Mark Friends thetans countrymen Telegraph Media Group Limited 9 kyrkүjek 2007 Tekserildi 9 mausymnyn 2012 Meier Jurgen Scientology ist weder Kirche noch Sekte Scientolgoy Eine Spatburgerliche Science Fiction Ideologie Utopie zheltoksan 2007 206 S 1138 1152 Staff Jennifer Aspen and David O Donnell marry UPI NewsTrack September 3 2006 Sullivan Jim Rush Hour 2 Does Double Time The Boston Globe 6 tamyz 2001 P B10 Show Business Boom in Black Muragattalgan 22 kantardyn 2011 zhyly 9 mausym 1975 Sappell Joel Welkos Robert W The Scientology Story Los Angeles Times 24 29 mausym 1990 P 46 Hampson Sarah Like a kid in a candy store The Globe and Mail 30 zheltoksan 2006 P R3 Elder Robert K Karen Black reflects on her life and career Muragattalgan 12 tamyzdyn 2012 zhyly Chicago Tribune 19 September 2008 Misztal Bronislaw Religion and politics in comparative perspective revival of religions Westport CT Greenwood Publishing Group 1992 P 37 ISBN 0 275 94218 X Zokaei Mayar Bell Hop Muragattalgan 6 kantardyn 2009 zhyly NYLA Magazine Spring 2005 Gumbel Andrew Scientology vs Science Los Angeles CityBeat 12 kantar 2006 kopiya 1 Muragattalgan 29 shildenin 2012 zhyly kopiya 2 The French and German versus American Debate over New Religions Scientology and Human Rights Muragattalgan 13 kantardyn 2009 zhyly Marburg Journal of Religion 2001 6 1 Sappell Joel Welkos Robert W The Scientology Story Los Angeles Times 24 29 mausym 1990 P 46 Broadway Bill The Pain is gone Bart Simpson s voice talks about her discovery of Scientology 10 zheltoksan 1994 Baker Jeff Life from Cowabunga to Ay Caramba The Oregonian 12 kantar 2000 Sweeney Claire Ay caramba Bart Simpson is spruiking Scientology The Sunday Times London 29 kantar 2000 Moss Meredith Bart Gives Back Simpsons voice Nancy Cartwright returning to Fairmont with scholarship and one woman show Dayton Daily News 30 sәuir 2005 Leggett Jonathan Cult musicians Scientology has long been regarded as a Hollywood thing but as Isaac Hayes cooks up a storm and quits his role as South Park s Chef Jonathan Leggett reveals other musical followers The Guardian 25 nauryz 2006 Guardian Newspapers Limited Li David K The Church of impsontology 31 kantar 2008 Olshansky Elliot Bart Simpson s voice being used to promote Scientology event 28 kantar 2009 Will the Voice of Bart Simpson Get In Trouble for Unauthorized Scientology Call Fox News 29 kantar 2010 Ayres Chris Simpsons producers have a cow as Bart lends his voice to Scientologists The Times London 30 kantar 2009 kopiya Muragattalgan 18 shildenin 2021 zhyly Voice of Bart Simpson gives push to religion Chicago Sun Times 30 kantar 2009 Getlen Larry Q amp A Matt Groening New York Post 22 akpan 2009 Ryan Kyle Matt Groening Muragattalgan 12 kazannyn 2013 zhyly The A V Club 22 nauryz 2009 Simpsons star sued over project Muragattalgan 3 nauryzdyn 2016 zhyly Toronto Sun 22 September 2010 Lewis James R Scientology Oxford New York 2009 P 389 402 404 ISBN 0 19 533149 4 Andrew Denton Enough Rope with Andrew Denton episode 21 Kate Ceberano 4 tamyz 2003 Betts Marianne Host of celebrities in Scientology s fold 10 kantar 2009 Melbourne Australia News Corporation P 24 All About Jazz Tekserildi 9 mausymnyn 2012 Cruise lobbies over Scientology 30 kantar 2002 Stephen M Silverman Katie Holmes Says She s Studying Scientology Muragattalgan 5 akpannyn 2008 zhyly 14 mausym 2005 Betts Marianne Host of celebrities in Scientology s fold 10 kantar 2009 Melbourne Australia News Corporation P 24 World Entertainment News Network Tom Cruise Says Baby Will Be a Scientologist Muragattalgan 13 mausymnyn 2006 zhyly Starpulse Starpulse com 14 sәuir 2006 Marisol Nichols Questions agyl marisol nichols com Maksim Makarychev Dzhon Travolta letit na Gaiti na svoem samolete 26 01 2012 g Huus Kari Scientology s love affair with Hollywood 9 mausym 2012 Tekserildi 9 mausymnyn 2012 Dzhejson Li zvezda kino KINOafisha ua Jason Lee and Scientology Scientology Lies Shef pokinul Yuzhnyj Park po religioznym ubezhdeniyam 14 marta 2006 Basty derekkozinen muragattalgan 28 mausym 2012 Tekserildi 9 mausym 2012 Victor Adam Elvis Encyclopaedia 2008 P 415 419 Jeanette Walls Scientology s latest celeb 24 akpan 1999 Opposite Daffy Jenna Elfman Ducks the Notion of Easy Laughs The Buffalo News 21 karasha 2003 Jeannette Walls Scientologist Elfman wants to clear the planet Muragattalgan 13 kyrkүjektin 2012 zhyly 15 akpan 2005