АҚШ Ұлттық Қауіпсіздік Агенттігі (NSA) криптографиялық ақпараттық барлау агенттігі
Мекеме құрылысы
АҚШ Ұлттық Қауіпсіздік Агенттігі екі негізгі бөлімшеден тұрады: Сигналдарды Барлау Диоектораты Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID), бұл сигналдарды барлау ақпараты және Ақпаратта Ұқыптау Директораты Information Assurance Directorate (IAD), бұл АҚШ ақпараттарын күзету .

- қараша 1952 – қараша 1956
- қараша 1956 – қараша 1960
- қараша 1960 – қаңтар1962
- қаңтар 1962 – маусым 1965 , USAF
- маусым 1965 – тамыз 1969
- тамыз 1969 – тамыз 1972 VADM ,
- тамыз 1972 – тамыз 1973 Lt Gen , USAF
- тамыз 1973 – шілде 1977 Lt Gen , USAF
- шілде 1977 – шілде 1981 VADM , USN
- сәуір 1981 – мамыр 1985 Lt Gen , USAF
- мамыр 1985 – тамыз 1988 Lt Gen
- тамыз 1988 – мамыр 1992 VADM , USN
- мамыр 1992 – ақпан 1996 VADM , USN
- ақпан 1996 – наурыз 1999 Lt Gen , USAF
- наурыз 1999 – сәуір 2005 Lt Gen , USAF
- сәуір 2005–бүгінгі күн
Криптоаналисттер тізімі
- Ламброс Деметриос Калимахос
- Агнес Дрискол
- Уильям Фредерик Фридман
- Соломон Кульбак
- Роберт Моррис
- Фрэнк Роулетт
- Абрахам Синков
- Льюис Торделла
- Герберт Ярдли
NSA компьютерлері
- The National Security Agency Frequently Asked Questions. National Security Agency. Тексерілді, сәуір 15, 2010.
Арғы оқылымдар
- James Bamford, , Doubleday, 2001, ISBN 0-385-49907-8.
- James Bamford, , Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-006748-5.
- , Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans: 1976 US Senate Report on Illegal Wiretaps and Domestic Spying by the FBI, CIA and NSA, Red and Black Publishers (мамыр 1, 2008).
- Hanyok Robert J. Spartans in Darkness: American SIGINT and the Indochina War, 1945–1975 — National Security Agency, 2002.
- Johnson Thomas R. American Cryptology during the Cold War — National Security Agency: Center for Cryptological History, 2008.
- , – discussion of the development of non-government cryptography, including many accounts of tussles with the NSA.
- , , Random House, ISBN 1-4000-6034-6.
- , , ISBN 0-87131-554-8.
- , , 1181 pp., ISBN 0-684-83130-9. Look for the 1967 rather than the 1996 edition.
- , , 1969, LC 71080912.
- , , желтоқсан 25, 2005; The Agency That Could Be Big Brother.
- , Steerforth; new edition (маусым 1, 1998).
- , The Soviet estimate: U.S. intelligence analysis & Russian military strength, hardcover, 367 pages, ISBN 0-385-27211-1, Dial Press (1982).
- , A World of secrets.
- , Strategic Intelligence for American Public Policy.
- , : The Untold History of the National Security Agency, 432 pages, ISBN 978-1-59691-515-2, Bloomsbury Press (маусым 9, 2009).
Сыртқы сілттемелер
Ортаққорда бұған қатысты медиа санаты бар: National Security Agency, United States |
- NSA official site.
- Records of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service.
- History of NSA Мұрағатталған 15 мамырдың 2008 жылы..
- The NSA charter Мұрағатталған 20 шілденің 2008 жылы..
- Inside The NSA – The Spy Factory — Documentary via Educated Earth.
- "The Origins of the National Security Agency, 1940–1952" Мұрағатталған 3 қаңтардың 2008 жылы. — Newly declassified book-length report provided by The Memory Hole.
- The National Security Archive at George Washington University.
- United States Intelligence Community: Who We Are / NSA section. Басты дереккөзінен мұрағатталған 25 қыркүйек 2006.
- First person account of NSA interview and clearance. қаңтар 2004.
- "Big Brother Is Listening". , сәуір 2006.
- James Bamford Inside the National Security Agency (Lecture) , , , , ақпан 24, 2007 (53: minutes).
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AҚSh Ұlttyk Қauipsizdik Agenttigi NSA kriptografiyalyk akparattyk barlau agenttigiMekeme kurylysyAҚSh Ұlttyk Қauipsizdik Agenttigi eki negizgi bolimsheden turady Signaldardy Barlau Dioektoraty Signals Intelligence Directorate SID bul signaldardy barlau akparaty zhәne Akparatta Ұkyptau Direktoraty Information Assurance Directorate IAD bul AҚSh akparattaryn kүzetu NSA headquarters in MarylandZhumysshylaryDirektorlary karasha 1952 karasha 1956 karasha 1956 karasha 1960 karasha 1960 kantar1962 kantar 1962 mausym 1965 USAF mausym 1965 tamyz 1969 tamyz 1969 tamyz 1972 VADM tamyz 1972 tamyz 1973 Lt Gen USAF tamyz 1973 shilde 1977 Lt Gen USAF shilde 1977 shilde 1981 VADM USN sәuir 1981 mamyr 1985 Lt Gen USAF mamyr 1985 tamyz 1988 Lt Gen tamyz 1988 mamyr 1992 VADM USN mamyr 1992 akpan 1996 VADM USN akpan 1996 nauryz 1999 Lt Gen USAF nauryz 1999 sәuir 2005 Lt Gen USAF sәuir 2005 bүgingi kүnKriptoanalistter tizimi Lambros Demetrios Kalimahos Agnes Driskol Uilyam Frederik Fridman Solomon Kulbak Robert Morris Frenk Roulett Abraham Sinkov Lyuis Tordella Gerbert YardliNSA kompyuterleriSilttemelerThe National Security Agency Frequently Asked Questions National Security Agency Tekserildi sәuir 15 2010 Argy okylymdarJames Bamford Doubleday 2001 ISBN 0 385 49907 8 James Bamford Penguin Books ISBN 0 14 006748 5 Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans 1976 US Senate Report on Illegal Wiretaps and Domestic Spying by the FBI CIA and NSA Red and Black Publishers mamyr 1 2008 Hanyok Robert J Spartans in Darkness American SIGINT and the Indochina War 1945 1975 National Security Agency 2002 Johnson Thomas R American Cryptology during the Cold War National Security Agency Center for Cryptological History 2008 discussion of the development of non government cryptography including many accounts of tussles with the NSA Random House ISBN 1 4000 6034 6 ISBN 0 87131 554 8 1181 pp ISBN 0 684 83130 9 Look for the 1967 rather than the 1996 edition 1969 LC 71080912 zheltoksan 25 2005 The Agency That Could Be Big Brother Steerforth new edition mausym 1 1998 The Soviet estimate U S intelligence analysis amp Russian military strength hardcover 367 pages ISBN 0 385 27211 1 Dial Press 1982 A World of secrets Strategic Intelligence for American Public Policy The Untold History of the National Security Agency 432 pages ISBN 978 1 59691 515 2 Bloomsbury Press mausym 9 2009 Syrtky silttemelerOrtakkorda bugan katysty media sanaty bar National Security Agency United StatesNSA official site Records of the National Security Agency Central Security Service History of NSA Muragattalgan 15 mamyrdyn 2008 zhyly The NSA charter Muragattalgan 20 shildenin 2008 zhyly Inside The NSA The Spy Factory Documentary via Educated Earth The Origins of the National Security Agency 1940 1952 Muragattalgan 3 kantardyn 2008 zhyly Newly declassified book length report provided by The Memory Hole The National Security Archive at George Washington University United States Intelligence Community Who We Are NSA section Basty derekkozinen muragattalgan 25 kyrkүjek 2006 First person account of NSA interview and clearance kantar 2004 Big Brother Is Listening sәuir 2006 James Bamford Inside the National Security Agency Lecture akpan 24 2007 53 minutes Koordinattar 39 06 32 s e 76 46 12 b b 39 109 s e 76 770 b b 39 109 76 770 G O Ya