Қоғамдық кәсіпкерлік — қоғам мәселелерін тауып оның жақсы өзгерісіне ықпалын тигізетін кәсіпорын.
Алғашқы рет social entrepreneur термині 1960–шы 1970–ші жылдары батыс әдебиеттерінде қолданысқа ене бастады.
- Abu-Saifan, S. 2012. Social Entrepreneurship: Definition and Boundaries. Technology Innovation Management Review Мұрағатталған 2 маусымның 2016 жылы.. February 2012 Мұрағатталған 4 сәуірдің 2016 жылы.: 22-27.
- David Bornstein, How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas, Oxford University Press (and others) ISBN 0-19-513805-8
- Charles Leadbeater, The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur, , 1996
- Joanna Mair, Jeffrey Robinson, and Kai Hockerts, Social Entrepreneurship, , 2006. ISBN 1-4039-9664-4
- Peredo, A. M., & McLean, M. 2006. Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review of the Concept. Journal of World Business, 41(1): 56-65.
- John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan, The Power of Unreasonable People: How Entrepreneurs Creates Markets to Change the World, Harvard Business Press, 2008
- Robert Gunn and Christopher Durkin, Social Entrepreneurship: A Skills Approach, Policy Press, 2010
- Muhammad Yunus, , Laurence Lehmann-Ortega, "Building Social Business Models: Lessons from the Grameen Experience”, сәуір-маусым, vol 43, n° 2-3, Long Range Planning, 2010, p. 308-325 Мұрағатталған 3 ақпанның 2016 жылы."
- For example, the phrase was used as a description of Robert Owen in J Banks, The Sociology of Social Movements, London, MacMillan, 1972
Сыртқы сілтемелер
- Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition Мұрағатталған 28 ақпанның 2008 жылы., Sally Osberg and Roger Martin
- Social Entrepreneurship: Definition and Boundaries Мұрағатталған 2 маусымның 2016 жылы., Samer Abu-Saifan
уикипедия, wiki, кітап, кітаптар, кітапхана, мақала, оқу, жүктеу, тегін, тегін жүктеу, mp3, видео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, сурет, музыка, ән, фильм, кітап, ойын, ойындар, ұялы, андроид, iOS, apple, ұялы телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ДК, веб, компьютер
Қogamdyk kәsipkerlik kogam mәselelerin tauyp onyn zhaksy ozgerisine ykpalyn tigizetin kәsiporyn TarihyAlgashky ret social entrepreneur termini 1960 shy 1970 shi zhyldary batys әdebietterinde koldanyska ene bastady ӘdebietterAbu Saifan S 2012 Social Entrepreneurship Definition and Boundaries Technology Innovation Management Review Muragattalgan 2 mausymnyn 2016 zhyly February 2012 Muragattalgan 4 sәuirdin 2016 zhyly 22 27 David Bornstein How to Change the World Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas Oxford University Press and others ISBN 0 19 513805 8 Charles Leadbeater The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur 1996 Joanna Mair Jeffrey Robinson and Kai Hockerts Social Entrepreneurship 2006 ISBN 1 4039 9664 4 Peredo A M amp McLean M 2006 Social Entrepreneurship A Critical Review of the Concept Journal of World Business 41 1 56 65 John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan The Power of Unreasonable People How Entrepreneurs Creates Markets to Change the World Harvard Business Press 2008 Robert Gunn and Christopher Durkin Social Entrepreneurship A Skills Approach Policy Press 2010 Muhammad Yunus Laurence Lehmann Ortega Building Social Business Models Lessons from the Grameen Experience sәuir mausym vol 43 n 2 3 Long Range Planning 2010 p 308 325 Muragattalgan 3 akpannyn 2016 zhyly DerekkozderFor example the phrase was used as a description of Robert Owen in J Banks The Sociology of Social Movements London MacMillan 1972Syrtky siltemelerSocial Entrepreneurship The Case for Definition Muragattalgan 28 akpannyn 2008 zhyly Sally Osberg and Roger Martin Social Entrepreneurship Definition and Boundaries Muragattalgan 2 mausymnyn 2016 zhyly Samer Abu Saifan