Эмили Элизабет Дикинсон (ағылш. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (1830-1886) – Америкалық әйел ақын. Америка осы заман поэзиясының негізін салушы. Әлем әдебиеті классиктерінің бірі..
Эмили Дикинсон | |
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson | |
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Туған жері | АҚШ, , Массачусетс |
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Дебюті | Poems by Emily Dickinson |
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Эмили Дикинсон жайлы шығармалар
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson. 1970. Emily Dickinson Face to Face: Unpublished Letters with Notes and Reminiscences. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books.
- Blacke, Caesar R. (ed). 1964. The Recognition of Emily Dickinson: Selected Criticism Since 1890. Ed. Caesar R. Blake. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- . 1999. Emily Dickinson. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House Publishers. ISBN 0-7910-5106-4.
- Buckingham, Willis J. (ed). 1989. Emily Dickinson’s Reception in the 1890s: A Documentary History. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN 0-8229-3604-6.
- Crumbley, Paul. 1997. Inflections of the Pen: Dash and Voice in Emily Dickinson. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0-8131-1988-X.
- Farr, Judith (ed). 1996. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice Hall International Paperback Editions. ISBN 978-0-13-033524-1.
- Farr, Judith. 2005. The Gardens of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-01829-7.
- Ford, Thomas W. 1966. Heaven Beguiles the Tired: Death in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson. University of Alabama Press.
- Gura, Philip F. 2004. «How I Met and Dated Miss Emily Dickinson: An Adventure on eBay» Мұрағатталған 11 қаңтардың 2006 жылы., Common-place, The Interactive Journal of Early American Life, Inc. 4(2). Retrieved: маусым 23, 2008.
- Habegger, Alfred. 2001. My Wars Are Laid Away in Books: The Life of Emily Dickinson. New York: Random House. ISBN 978-0-679-44986-7.
- Hecht, Anthony. 1996. «The Riddles of Emily Dickinson» in Farr (1996) 149—162.
- Juhasz, Suzanne (ed). 1983. Feminist Critics Read Emily Dickinson. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0-253-32170-0.
- Juhasz, Suzanne. 1996. «The Landscape of the Spirit» in Farr (1996) 130—140.
- Knapp, Bettina L. 1989. Emily Dickinson. New York: Continuum Publishing.
- Martin, Wendy (ed). 2002. The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-00118-8.
- McNeil, Helen. 1986. Emily Dickinson. London: Virago Press. ISBN 0-394-74766-6
- Oberhaus, Dorothy Huff. 1996. « 'Tender pioneer': Emily Dickinson’s Poems on the Life of Christ» in Farr (1996) 105—119.
- Parker, Peter. 2007. «New Feet Within My Garden Go: Emily Dickinson’s Herbarium» Мұрағатталған 2 қазанның 2008 жылы., , маусым 29, 2007. Retrieved: қаңтар 18, 2008.
- Pickard, John B. 1967. Emily Dickinson: An Introduction and Interpretation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- Pollak, Vivian R. 1996. «Thirst and Starvation in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry» in Farr (1996) 62-75.
- . 1974. The Life of Emily Dickinson. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux. ISBN 0-674-53080-2.
- Smith, Martha Nell. 1992. Rowing in Eden: Rereading Emily Dickinson. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. ISBN 0-292-77666-7
- Stocks, Kenneth. 1988. Emily Dickinson and the Modern Consciousness: A Poet of Our Time. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
- Walsh, John Evangelist. 1971. The Hidden Life of Emily Dickinson. New York: Simon and Schuster.
- Wells, Anna Mary. 1929. «Early Criticism of Emily Dickinson», American Literature, Vol. 1, No. 3. (Nov., 1929).
- Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. 1998. Emily Dickinson. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-394-54418-8.
- McNeil (1986), 2.
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- Эмили Дикинсон
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Emili Elizabet Dikinson agylsh Emily Elizabeth Dickinson 1830 1886 Amerikalyk әjel akyn Amerika osy zaman poeziyasynyn negizin salushy Әlem әdebieti klassikterinin biri Emili DikinsonEmily Elizabeth DickinsonTugan kүni10 zheltoksan 1830 1830 12 10 Tugan zheriAҚSh MassachusetsҚajtys bolgan kүni15 mamyr 1886 1886 05 15 55 zhas Қajtys bolgan zheriAҚSh MassachusetsAzamattygy AҚShMansabyPoetessaDebyutiPoems by Emily DickinsonOrtakkordagy sanaty Emili DikinsonEmili Dikinson zhajly shygarmalarEmili Dikinson 1859 Bianchi Martha Dickinson 1970 Emily Dickinson Face to Face Unpublished Letters with Notes and Reminiscences Hamden Conn Archon Books Blacke Caesar R ed 1964 The Recognition of Emily Dickinson Selected Criticism Since 1890 Ed Caesar R Blake Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press 1999 Emily Dickinson Broomall PA Chelsea House Publishers ISBN 0 7910 5106 4 Buckingham Willis J ed 1989 Emily Dickinson s Reception in the 1890s A Documentary History Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Press ISBN 0 8229 3604 6 Crumbley Paul 1997 Inflections of the Pen Dash and Voice in Emily Dickinson Lexington The University Press of Kentucky ISBN 0 8131 1988 X Farr Judith ed 1996 Emily Dickinson A Collection of Critical Essays Prentice Hall International Paperback Editions ISBN 978 0 13 033524 1 Farr Judith 2005 The Gardens of Emily Dickinson Cambridge Massachusetts amp London England Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 01829 7 Ford Thomas W 1966 Heaven Beguiles the Tired Death in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson University of Alabama Press Gura Philip F 2004 How I Met and Dated Miss Emily Dickinson An Adventure on eBay Muragattalgan 11 kantardyn 2006 zhyly Common place The Interactive Journal of Early American Life Inc 4 2 Retrieved mausym 23 2008 Habegger Alfred 2001 My Wars Are Laid Away in Books The Life of Emily Dickinson New York Random House ISBN 978 0 679 44986 7 Hecht Anthony 1996 The Riddles of Emily Dickinson in Farr 1996 149 162 Juhasz Suzanne ed 1983 Feminist Critics Read Emily Dickinson Bloomington Indiana University Press ISBN 0 253 32170 0 Juhasz Suzanne 1996 The Landscape of the Spirit in Farr 1996 130 140 Knapp Bettina L 1989 Emily Dickinson New York Continuum Publishing Martin Wendy ed 2002 The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 00118 8 McNeil Helen 1986 Emily Dickinson London Virago Press ISBN 0 394 74766 6 Oberhaus Dorothy Huff 1996 Tender pioneer Emily Dickinson s Poems on the Life of Christ in Farr 1996 105 119 Parker Peter 2007 New Feet Within My Garden Go Emily Dickinson s Herbarium Muragattalgan 2 kazannyn 2008 zhyly mausym 29 2007 Retrieved kantar 18 2008 Pickard John B 1967 Emily Dickinson An Introduction and Interpretation New York Holt Rinehart and Winston Pollak Vivian R 1996 Thirst and Starvation in Emily Dickinson s Poetry in Farr 1996 62 75 1974 The Life of Emily Dickinson New York Farrar Strauss and Giroux ISBN 0 674 53080 2 Smith Martha Nell 1992 Rowing in Eden Rereading Emily Dickinson Austin Texas University of Texas Press ISBN 0 292 77666 7 Stocks Kenneth 1988 Emily Dickinson and the Modern Consciousness A Poet of Our Time New York St Martin s Press Walsh John Evangelist 1971 The Hidden Life of Emily Dickinson New York Simon and Schuster Wells Anna Mary 1929 Early Criticism of Emily Dickinson American Literature Vol 1 No 3 Nov 1929 Wolff Cynthia Griffin 1998 Emily Dickinson Reading Massachusetts Addison Wesley ISBN 0 394 54418 8 DerekkozderMcNeil 1986 2 Syrtky siltemelerEmili Dikinson archive org