Томағашөп (лат. Scutellaria) – ерінгүлділер тұқымдасына жататын көп жылдық шөптесін өсімдіктер, кейде бұта. Қазақстанда 32 түрі бар. Биікт. 10 – 50 см, сабағы төрт қырлы. 3 түрі Қазақстанның Қызыл кітабына енгізілген.
Томағашөп | ||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
түрлері | ||||||||||||||||
300, 350, 360, 425. түрі белгілі | ||||||||||||||||
- Scutellaria galericulata –
- Scutellaria karatavica – қаратау томағашөбі
- Scutellaria navicularis – қайықша томағашөп
- Scutellaria subcaespitosa – түбірлі томағашөп
- Genus: Scutellaria L.. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture (3 қараша 2006). Тексерілді, 12 қараша 2010.
- Skullcap: Potential medicinal crop // Trends in New Crops and New Uses — Alexandria, Virginia: ASHS Press, 2002. — P. 580–6.
- Scutellaria. The Jepson eFlora 2013.
- Shang, Xiaofei; He, Xirui; He, Xiaoying; Li, Maoxing; Zhang, Ruxue; Fan, Pengcheng; Zhang, Quanlong; Jia, Zhengping (2010). "The genus Scutellaria an ethnopharmacological and phytochemical review". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 128 (2): 279–313. :10.1016/j.jep.2010.01.006. 0378-8741. 20064593.
- Scutellaria. Flora of China.
- Pool, Amy (2006). "New Species of Scutellaria (Lamiaceae) from Mesoamerica". Novon 16 (3): 388–403. :[[doi:10.3417/1055-3177(2006)16[388:NSOSLF]2.0.CO;2|10.3417/1055-3177(2006)16[388:NSOSLF]2.0.CO;2]]. 20406083.
- Ulloa, C. U. and P. M. Jørgensen. Scutellaria. Árboles y arbustos de los Andes del Ecuador. eFloras.
- Hsu, Tsai-Wen; Kuo, Chia-Chi; Tsai, Chi-Chu; Chiang, Yu-Chung (2009). "Isolation and characterization of 16 microsatellite markers from a rare and endemic species, Scutellaria austrotaiwanensis (Lamiaceae)". Conservation Genetics Resources 1 (1): 85–8. :10.1007/s12686-009-9020-0.
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Tomagashop lat Scutellaria eringүldiler tukymdasyna zhatatyn kop zhyldyk shoptesin osimdikter kejde buta Қazakstanda 32 tүri bar Biikt 10 50 sm sabagy tort kyrly 3 tүri Қazakstannyn Қyzyl kitabyna engizilgen TomagashopDүniesi ӨsimdikterBolimi Gүldi osimdikterTaby Қos zharnaktylar unranked AsteridsSaby Tukymdasy LamiaceaeKishi tukymdasy Tegi Scutellaria Karl Linnejtүrleri300 350 360 425 tүri belgiliAnaspis Rech f Cruzia Phil Harlanlewisia Epling Perilomia Kunth Salazaria Torr Theresa ClosTүrleriScutellaria galericulata Scutellaria karatavica karatau tomagashobi Scutellaria navicularis kajyksha tomagashop Scutellaria subcaespitosa tүbirli tomagashopDerekkozderGenus Scutellaria L Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture 3 karasha 2006 Tekserildi 12 karasha 2010 Skullcap Potential medicinal crop Trends in New Crops and New Uses Alexandria Virginia ASHS Press 2002 P 580 6 Scutellaria The Jepson eFlora 2013 Shang Xiaofei He Xirui He Xiaoying Li Maoxing Zhang Ruxue Fan Pengcheng Zhang Quanlong Jia Zhengping 2010 The genus Scutellaria an ethnopharmacological and phytochemical review Journal of Ethnopharmacology 128 2 279 313 10 1016 j jep 2010 01 006 0378 8741 20064593 Scutellaria Flora of China Pool Amy 2006 New Species of Scutellaria Lamiaceae from Mesoamerica Novon 16 3 388 403 doi 10 3417 1055 3177 2006 16 388 NSOSLF 2 0 CO 2 10 3417 1055 3177 2006 16 388 NSOSLF 2 0 CO 2 20406083 Ulloa C U and P M Jorgensen Scutellaria Arboles y arbustos de los Andes del Ecuador eFloras Hsu Tsai Wen Kuo Chia Chi Tsai Chi Chu Chiang Yu Chung 2009 Isolation and characterization of 16 microsatellite markers from a rare and endemic species Scutellaria austrotaiwanensis Lamiaceae Conservation Genetics Resources 1 1 85 8 10 1007 s12686 009 9020 0