И-Фу Туан (қытайша: 段義孚; 5 желтоқсан 1930 ж., Тяньцзинь) — қытай және америкалық географ.
1951 жылы Лондонда Университет колледжін бітіріп, 1955 ж. Оксфордта оқып бакалавр дәрежесіне еге болды . 1966-1968 жылдары Канадада Торонто университетінде мұғалім болып жұмыс істеді. Сосын Миннесотадағы және Висконсиндағы университеттерінде жұмыс жасады.
Мәдени география, урбанистика және мәдени ландшафт жөнінде 15-тен астам монографияның авторы.
- Romantic Geography: In Search of the Sublime Landscape. 2013. , Madison, WI. ISBN 978-0-299-29680-3
- Religion: From Place to Placelessness. 2010. , Chicago, IL. ISBN 978-1-930066-94-6
- Human Goodness. 2008. , Madison, WI. ISBN 978-0-299-22670-1
- Coming Home to China. 2007. , Minneapolis, MN. ISBN 0-8166-4992-8
- Place, Art, and Self. 2004. University of Virginia Press, Santa Fe, NM, in association with Columbia College, Chicago, IL. ISBN 1-930066-24-4.
- Dear Colleague: Common and Uncommon Observations. 2002. , Minneapolis, MN. ISBN 0-8166-4055-6.
- Who am I? : An Autobiography of Emotion, Mind, and Spirit. 1999. , Madison, WI. ISBN 0-299-16660-0.
- Escapism. 1998. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. ISBN 0-8018-5926-3.
- Cosmos and Hearth: A Cosmopolite's Viewpoint. 1996. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN. ISBN 0-8166-2730-4.
- Passing Strange and Wonderful: Aesthetics, Nature, and Culture. 1993. Island Press, Shearwater Books, Washington, DC. ISBN 1-55963-209-7.
- Morality and Imagination: Paradoxes of Progress. 1989. , Madison, WI. ISBN 0-299-12060-0.
- The Good Life. 1986. , Madison, WI. ISBN 0-299-10540-7.
- Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets. 1984. , New Haven, CT. ISBN 0-300-03222-6.
- Segmented Worlds and Self: Group Life and Individual Consciousness. 1982. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN. ISBN 0-8166-1109-2.
- Landscapes of Fear. 1979. Pantheon Books, New York, NY. ISBN 0-394-42035-7.
- Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience 1977. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN. ISBN 0-8166-0808-3.
- Topophilia: a study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values 1974. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. ISBN 0-13-925248-7.
- The Climate of New Mexico. 1973. State Planning Office, Santa Fe, NM.
- Man and Nature. 1971. , Washington, DC. Resource paper #10.
- China. 1970. In "The World's Landscapes". Harlow, Longmans. ISBN 0-582-31153-5.
- The Hydrologic Cycle and the Wisdom of God. 1968. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. ISBN 978-080203214.
- Curriculum Vitae Yi-Fu Tuan (8 сәуір 2008). Тексерілді, 20 ақпан 2011.
- http://www.hse.ru
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I Fu Tuan kytajsha 段義孚 5 zheltoksan 1930 zh Tyanczin kytaj zhәne amerikalyk geograf I Fu Tuan 1951 zhyly Londonda Universitet kolledzhin bitirip 1955 zh Oksfordta okyp bakalavr dәrezhesine ege boldy 1966 1968 zhyldary Kanadada Toronto universitetinde mugalim bolyp zhumys istedi Sosyn Minnesotadagy zhәne Viskonsindagy universitetterinde zhumys zhasady Mәdeni geografiya urbanistika zhәne mәdeni landshaft zhoninde 15 ten astam monografiyanyn avtory BibliografiyasyRomantic Geography In Search of the Sublime Landscape 2013 Madison WI ISBN 978 0 299 29680 3Religion From Place to Placelessness 2010 Chicago IL ISBN 978 1 930066 94 6Human Goodness 2008 Madison WI ISBN 978 0 299 22670 1Coming Home to China 2007 Minneapolis MN ISBN 0 8166 4992 8Place Art and Self 2004 University of Virginia Press Santa Fe NM in association with Columbia College Chicago IL ISBN 1 930066 24 4 Dear Colleague Common and Uncommon Observations 2002 Minneapolis MN ISBN 0 8166 4055 6 Who am I An Autobiography of Emotion Mind and Spirit 1999 Madison WI ISBN 0 299 16660 0 Escapism 1998 Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore MD ISBN 0 8018 5926 3 Cosmos and Hearth A Cosmopolite s Viewpoint 1996 University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis MN ISBN 0 8166 2730 4 Passing Strange and Wonderful Aesthetics Nature and Culture 1993 Island Press Shearwater Books Washington DC ISBN 1 55963 209 7 Morality and Imagination Paradoxes of Progress 1989 Madison WI ISBN 0 299 12060 0 The Good Life 1986 Madison WI ISBN 0 299 10540 7 Dominance and Affection The Making of Pets 1984 New Haven CT ISBN 0 300 03222 6 Segmented Worlds and Self Group Life and Individual Consciousness 1982 University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis MN ISBN 0 8166 1109 2 Landscapes of Fear 1979 Pantheon Books New York NY ISBN 0 394 42035 7 Space and Place The Perspective of Experience 1977 University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis MN ISBN 0 8166 0808 3 Topophilia a study of environmental perception attitudes and values 1974 Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs NJ ISBN 0 13 925248 7 The Climate of New Mexico 1973 State Planning Office Santa Fe NM Man and Nature 1971 Washington DC Resource paper 10 China 1970 In The World s Landscapes Harlow Longmans ISBN 0 582 31153 5 The Hydrologic Cycle and the Wisdom of God 1968 University of Toronto Toronto Ont ISBN 978 080203214 DerekkozderCurriculum Vitae Yi Fu Tuan 8 sәuir 2008 Tekserildi 20 akpan 2011 http www hse ru