Купер Джеймс Фенимор ағыл. James Fenimore Cooper (15 қыркүйек 1789 ж., Бёрлингтон, АҚШ — 14 қыркүйек 1851ж, Куперстаун, АҚШ) - американ жазушысы.
Ірі жер иеленуші семьяда туған. Мектептен кейін Йель Университетіне түскен, бірақ оны бітірмей теңіз қызметіне (1806—1811) кеткен.
1826-33 ж. арасында Еуропа елдерін аралап шықты.
Купер әдеби қызметін "Сақтық" (1821ж) романымен бастады.
Купер есімін "Шпион"(1821ж), "Лоцман" (1823ж), "Лайонель Линколь" (1825ж) романдары әйгілі етті. Ал үндістер туралы жазылған "Могиканның соңғы тұяғы" (1826 ж), "Прерия" (1827ж), "Ізшіл"(1840ж) романдары АҚШ әдебиетіні алғаш әлемдік әдебиет арнасына шығарды. Купердің бұдан басқа "Браво" трилогиясы (1831), "Жаңа леп" (1850 ж) т.б. ромадары бар.
Купер Джеймс Фенимор | |
James Fenimore Cooper | |
Джеймса Фенимора Купера портреті(суретші — , 1822) | |
Туған күні | |
Туған жері | Бёрлингтон, АҚШ |
Қайтыс болған күні | 14 қыркүйек 1851 (61 жас) |
Қайтыс болған жері | Куперстаун, АҚШ |
Азаматтығы | АҚШ |
Қызметі | жазушы |
Әкесі | Уильям Купер, судья |
- 1820:
- «Сақтық» (Precaution).
- 1821:
- тарихи роман « (The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground)
- 1823:
- « (The Pioneers, or The sources of the Susquehanna).
- қысқа әңгімелер (Tales for Fifteen: or Imagination and Heart)
- роман «Лоцман» (The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea)
- 1825:
- роман « (Lionel Lincoln, or The leaguer of Boston).
- 1826:
- Натти Бампо жайлы екінші роман — "Могиканның соңғы тұяғы" (The Last of the Mohicans).
- 1827:
- бесінші бөлімі«Прерия» (The Prairie).
- « (The Red Rover).
- 1828:
- Notions of the Americans: Picked up by a Travelling Bachelor
- 1829:
- роман « (The wept of Wish-ton-Wish)
- 1830:
- фантастикалық оқиға « (The Water-Witch: or the Skimmer of the Seas).
- Letter to General Lafayette politics
- 1831:
- « (The bravo)
- 1832:
- «Гейденмауэр, или Бенедиктіктер» (The Heidenmauer: or, The Benedictines, A Legend of the Rhine) — тарихи роман Германиядағы ертедегі реформа кезеңінде.
- 1833:
- « (The headsman, or The Abbaye des vignerons) — легенда XVIII в. о потомственных палачах швейцарского кантона Берн.
- 1834:
- (A Letter to His Countrymen)
- 1835:
- « (The Monikins)
- 1836:
- мемуарлар (The Eclipse)
- Gleanings in Europe: Switzerland (Sketches of Switzerland)
- Gleanings in Europe: The Rhine
- A Residence in France: With an Excursion Up the Rhine, and a Second Visit to Switzerland
- 1837:
- Gleanings in Europe: France travel
- Gleanings in Europe: England travel
- 1838:
- «Америка демократы» (The American Democrat: or Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America).
- Gleanings in Europe: Italy travel
- The Chronicles of Cooperstown
- Hommeward Bound: or The Chase: A Tale of the Sea
- Home as Found: Sequel to Homeward Bound
- 1839:
- «Американского флотының тарихы» (The History of the Navy of the United States of America)
- Old Ironsides
- 1840:
- « (The Pathfinder, or The inland sea) —
- « (Mercedes of Castile: or, The Voyage to Cathay).
- 1841:
- «Аңшы» (The Deerslayer: or The First Warpath)
- 1842:
- роман « (The two admirals)
- роман « (Wing-and-Wing, or Le feu-follet).
- 1843:
- роман « (Wyandotté: or The Hutted Knoll. A Tale)
- Richard Dale
- биография (Ned Myers: or Life before the Mast)
- (Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief или Le Mouchoir: An Autobiographical Romance или The French Governess: or The Embroidered Handkerchief или Die franzosischer Erzieheren: oder das gestickte Taschentuch)
- 1844:
- роман « (Afloat and Ashore: or The Adventures of Miles Wallingford. A Sea Tale)
- « (Miles Wallingford: Sequel to Afloat and Ashore)
- Proceedings of the Naval Court-Martial in the Case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, &c.
- 1845:
- « (Satanstoe: or The Littlepage Manuscripts, a Tale of the Colony) и « (The Chainbearer; or, The Littlepage Manuscripts).
- 1846:
- роман « (The Redskins; or, Indian and Injin: Being the Conclusion of the Littlepage Manuscripts)
- Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers biography
- 1847:
- «Кратер» (The Crater; or, Vulcan’s Peak: A Tale of the Pacific), представляющей собой аллегорическую историю АҚШ.
- 1848:
- роман «шоқ емен» (The Oak Openings: or the Bee-Hunter) — из истории англо-американской войны 1812 г.
- роман «Джек Тайер немесе Флорида рифы» (Jack Tier: or the Florida Reefs)
- 1849:
- Купердің соңғы романы « (The Sea Lions: The Lost Sealers)
- 1850:
- Купердің соңғы кітабы «Жаңа ағымдар» (The ways of the hour)
- пьеса (Upside Down: or Philosophy in Petticoats), satirization of socialism
- 1851:
- қысқа әңгіме (The Lake Gun)
- (New York: or The Towns of Manhattan) Нью Йорка қаласы жайлы бітпеген әңгіме.
- “Қазақстан”: Ұлттық энциклопедия/Бас редактор Ә. Нысанбаев – Алматы “Қазақ энциклопедиясы” Бас редакциясы, 1998
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Kuper Dzhejms Fenimor agyl James Fenimore Cooper 15 kyrkүjek 1789 zh Byorlington AҚSh 14 kyrkүjek 1851zh Kuperstaun AҚSh amerikan zhazushysy Iri zher ielenushi semyada tugan Mektepten kejin Jel Universitetine tүsken birak ony bitirmej teniz kyzmetine 1806 1811 ketken 1826 33 zh arasynda Europa elderin aralap shykty Kuper әdebi kyzmetin Saktyk 1821zh romanymen bastady Kuper esimin Shpion 1821zh Locman 1823zh Lajonel Linkol 1825zh romandary әjgili etti Al үndister turaly zhazylgan Mogikannyn songy tuyagy 1826 zh Preriya 1827zh Izshil 1840zh romandary AҚSh әdebietini algash әlemdik әdebiet arnasyna shygardy Kuperdin budan baska Bravo trilogiyasy 1831 Zhana lep 1850 zh t b romadary bar Kuper Dzhejms FenimorJames Fenimore CooperDzhejmsa Fenimora Kupera portreti suretshi 1822 Tugan kүni15 kyrkүjek 1789 1789 09 15 Tugan zheriByorlington AҚShҚajtys bolgan kүni14 kyrkүjek 1851 1851 09 14 61 zhas Қajtys bolgan zheriKuperstaun AҚShAzamattygyAҚShҚyzmetizhazushyӘkesiUilyam Kuper sudyaKuperstaundagy eskertkishBibliografiyaExcursion in Italy 18381820 Saktyk Precaution 1821 tarihi roman The Spy A Tale of the Neutral Ground 1823 The Pioneers or The sources of the Susquehanna kyska әngimeler Tales for Fifteen or Imagination and Heart roman Locman The Pilot A Tale of the Sea 1825 roman Lionel Lincoln or The leaguer of Boston 1826 Natti Bampo zhajly ekinshi roman Mogikannyn songy tuyagy The Last of the Mohicans 1827 besinshi bolimi Preriya The Prairie The Red Rover 1828 Notions of the Americans Picked up by a Travelling Bachelor 1829 roman The wept of Wish ton Wish 1830 fantastikalyk okiga The Water Witch or the Skimmer of the Seas Letter to General Lafayette politics 1831 The bravo 1832 Gejdenmauer ili Benediktikter The Heidenmauer or The Benedictines A Legend of the Rhine tarihi roman Germaniyadagy ertedegi reforma kezeninde 1833 The headsman or The Abbaye des vignerons legenda XVIII v o potomstvennyh palachah shvejcarskogo kantona Bern 1834 A Letter to His Countrymen 1835 The Monikins 1836 memuarlar The Eclipse Gleanings in Europe Switzerland Sketches of Switzerland Gleanings in Europe The Rhine A Residence in France With an Excursion Up the Rhine and a Second Visit to Switzerland 1837 Gleanings in Europe France travel Gleanings in Europe England travel 1838 Amerika demokraty The American Democrat or Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America Gleanings in Europe Italy travel The Chronicles of Cooperstown Hommeward Bound or The Chase A Tale of the Sea Home as Found Sequel to Homeward Bound 1839 Amerikanskogo flotynyn tarihy The History of the Navy of the United States of America Old Ironsides 1840 The Pathfinder or The inland sea Mercedes of Castile or The Voyage to Cathay 1841 Anshy The Deerslayer or The First Warpath 1842 roman The two admirals roman Wing and Wing or Le feu follet 1843 roman Wyandotte or The Hutted Knoll A Tale Richard Dale biografiya Ned Myers or Life before the Mast Autobiography of a Pocket Handkerchief ili Le Mouchoir An Autobiographical Romance ili The French Governess or The Embroidered Handkerchief ili Die franzosischer Erzieheren oder das gestickte Taschentuch 1844 roman Afloat and Ashore or The Adventures of Miles Wallingford A Sea Tale Miles Wallingford Sequel to Afloat and Ashore Proceedings of the Naval Court Martial in the Case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie amp c 1845 Satanstoe or The Littlepage Manuscripts a Tale of the Colony i The Chainbearer or The Littlepage Manuscripts 1846 roman The Redskins or Indian and Injin Being the Conclusion of the Littlepage Manuscripts Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers biography 1847 Krater The Crater or Vulcan s Peak A Tale of the Pacific predstavlyayushej soboj allegoricheskuyu istoriyu AҚSh 1848 roman shok emen The Oak Openings or the Bee Hunter iz istorii anglo amerikanskoj vojny 1812 g roman Dzhek Tajer nemese Florida rify Jack Tier or the Florida Reefs 1849 Kuperdin songy romany The Sea Lions The Lost Sealers 1850 Kuperdin songy kitaby Zhana agymdar The ways of the hour pesa Upside Down or Philosophy in Petticoats satirization of socialism 1851 kyska әngime The Lake Gun New York or The Towns of Manhattan Nyu Jorka kalasy zhajly bitpegen әngime F Kuper shygarmalary bojynsha suretter poshta markasy KSRO 1989Derekkozder Қazakstan Ұlttyk enciklopediya Bas redaktor Ә Nysanbaev Almaty Қazak enciklopediyasy Bas redakciyasy 1998